Friendly and Hilarious Children stories by a Teacher - Importance Of Teachers


Monday, July 26, 2021

Friendly and Hilarious Children stories by a Teacher

 Humorous children's stories from a teacher!

friendly and Hilarious children stories by a teacher

This is a collection of stories that teachers emailed me, starting with posts on's primary education chatboard (which has since been broken down into different grade levels). The idea came from someone on the board posting interesting stories from the classroom, and then there are real stories that I love in classes in the United States that I copied and pasted from the chat board, these wonderful stories. Write me an email with all of you. Since the teachers did not use their real name (or often just one name) on the board, I was unable to give the participants any credit. If you recognize any of the following stories and would like to add your name to it, please send me an email. (Many of these stories can be conclusive so it is best not to reveal the names!) Older posts on are not archived, so this is the only place you can find the stories below. I have divided them into classic children's moments and classic parenting moments (competitions with the parents of the students). Enjoy!!

All Teacher Stories: Funny Stories For Kids In The Classroom

During a Christmas / Holiday party in the classroom, a man brings me a gift bag (obviously reusable) and says, And he called everyone in our house. And they didn't want them either, so she said just take them to school and give them to you. “I love the way he tells the truth! If only his parents knew how much they really told us

 Once upon a time, all students were given their respective assignments and tasks. It was a wonderful couple of minutes! LOL anyway, the same girl suddenly yelled, "I'm sick of this! Raise your hand when you want to go home!" of course. Most of the people in the class raised their hands and that good time was over. She kind of reminds me of Johnny B. Jones, and I think that comment is something she could say. I try to make him laugh (in my head) but oh it's a real challenge.

As Christmas approaches, a boy announces that Santa Claus is not real. One of my enlightened students said tearfully: "O woman, she offends my religious beliefs!"

One of my kindergarten children cried at the beginning of the year. I asked him what was going on? "____ Just call me a baby!" I called the other little girl and said, "Did you just say a son?" "No no no!" The little girl was crying. "I said, 'Hey, baby!' You know how mom told dad when he called and wanted to come to him at night. "

Student A didn't do her homework and told me it couldn't be because her mom forced her to buy a new cat that evening and she wanted to play with the cat instead and mom said ok this story has been checked . She will do it again.

It was certainly a classic moment that I heard from my fellow teacher during my teaching experience. I still laugh at the thought. While taking a science test for her third grade, the teacher noticed a memorable answer to a question. It said: "Please list the three physical states." The answer was, "North Carolina, Virginia, and Kentucky." All three states are important! Ha!

I teach third grade. About a month ago we had a sick student who was gone two weeks. I told my class that I will bring him some things, we will make some nice cards and send them to the boy. I got some items from Wal-Mart and left them in my truck. I told my three boys to get in my truck (which was outside our door) and pick up the stuff from behind. I gave the list to a boy. Model airplane, poster paint, hidden puzzle When he returned to the room, he had a lot of sacks. I could see that there was a box of tampons in a small bag. (I forgot they were back.) My classmate was in my room and before I could do anything I pulled the boy out of the bag, grabbed his head, and shouted, "I think it's a puzzle." My co-teacher and I were so red and trying not to laugh that I just said "Aha" and put the box back in my pocket. His mother is the assistant principal on another campus. he thought it was funny

Many years ago when I was in fifth grade, I was grading students' science homework. One question was: "Who developed the biological system?" or something like that. However, the correct answer was Carl Lenin. One of my students wrote 'Adam' in response. When I asked him about it, he said he was referring to Adam in the Bible. At Sunday School, he learned that Adam had named all of the animals in the garden. What do you think? I got the answer right!

I just remembered one more thing. At that time I was teaching at a Christian school and we studied Martin Luther for a week. We learned everything about the Protestant Reformation and the life of Luther. The book at the end of the session contained a portrait of Martin Luther. When a student saw him, he replied: "I always thought the boy was black."

In the first week of my freshman year, I turned my head briefly during an art project and cut the hair of two students !! I will never forget it! [The same thing happened to me. He had about fifty points on his head and one of them was hit. The parents were so angry that they demanded that their child be removed from my class. The principal was so overwhelmed that he told her to just remember that if he really wanted to remove her from my class the next day, he would do it. The next day he called and apologized. de Gospel].

that I will never forget; I taught in South Los Angeles: neighborhood type, gangs, prostitutes, drugs, etc. So I never knew what was coming out of my students' mouths. We had a couple of tricycles in our little playground and only one red one. We came out for fun and there was a little boy. My student turned to the boy, put his hands on the handlebars and said, "Get off the bike, B ***!"

In my freshman year I had a boy named Patrick who never hung his coat. I was upset about this and warned him that the next time I saw him on the floor, he would go to the trash. Well, next time it happened; I tossed it in the trash with the good intention of getting it out in a few minutes. Within minutes, a student fell sick and vomited into the garbage can! Did I convince the parents to do something? I was very lucky because I knew my parents and worked with them before I became a teacher. I called him to explain and he laughed and said he had the same problem at home. Boy was i lucky I offered to dry it but they said no. Send it home in the trash!

My students talked about what their fathers do for a living. One of me said, "My dad fixed the bobs!" I later asked my mother what my father did. She replied, "He's an anesthetist." I commented on him and he told us that relatives had recently asked Papa what his favorite operation was. "Junk job because he sits at eye level with the patient and tells the doctor," he said. Even if you are! Apparently Junior overheard the conversation. Whenever I think about it, I laugh about it!

I teach kindergarten and when I urged a student to go to work he looked at me and said, "You know I didn't sign up for it. My dad did. What was that?"

I had a very naughty little boy my first year at school (he tried to put out a fire on the first day of school). Around the middle of the year, he took a photo in his spare time and showed it to the public. He pointed to the pictures and said, "Look, it's me and I have two guys on my shoulders who tell you good and bad things. I like to hear bad things!" It was so funny (and true) that I had to hug him and laugh.

Once we were talking about eating well and our bodies and one guy raised his hand and said, "If you look at your arms, you can see the wine in your body."

It was many years ago when I was teaching first grade. Each elementary school class received one of the colored carpets with seven continents. Well, on that carpet day, Andre got very sick and threw it. When his father picks him up, Andre proudly says: "Dad, I threw him all over North and South America!"

He was playing with a couple of friends in the neighborhood and if we went there before the store closed we had to leave. As soon as I put him in the car, he protested because he wanted to play something else. Well, we were driving and I turned to him and asked, "What ice cream are you going to have tonight?" He didn't answer me. So I turned to my husband he was driving and said, "I think I'm quiet." We heard back: "I don't think he's that nice."

I taught in a rural school district in a city of about 1,200 people. This was third grade. We talked about Indians. The kids were really on the news when a little girl named Elisha raised her hand and said, "I know a lot about Indians in America!" I said, "Oh you do?" He said, "Yes, I know so much about him that my father is covered in blood!"

My favorite first grade came from a child. He was gone for several days because his grandfather had died. When he came back I told him we miss him. "I had to move to Iowa because my grandfather died and I had to stay behind and become a polar bear," he told me. When I called my mom to share it, she told me that all six year old grandchildren were actually puppies. I've never been to a funeral since. It was the start of a new school year and it was still very hot outside. One afternoon I finally had my first grader at the finish and I was very happy with the way the math class went. Meanwhile, a student of mine who was having difficulty speaking slipped on the feet of about 50 mosquito bites (I'm not kidding)____, Mothquito bit. Before I could even think about it, I said, "Christopher, what did you say?" And he repeated it! I gave her some cream that the nurse sent!

The other day a shy little boy of mine wasn't doing his job so I went to him and when I leaned over he said to this little girl, "You

I have a student whose father is a biology professor in a local college and whose mother is a high school resource teacher. For Valentine's Day he made a card for his father with a baker that read: "For a great biology teacher". On the other hand, he said to his mother, "What kind of teacher are you?"

Once, when I was playing checkers with a second grader, I was asked what my favorite things were. I didn't know what to say so to be funny I said, "Oh, I think my favorite things are new shoes and clean socks!" "Well, if you like clean socks," he said seriously, "you're playing with the wrong kid!" I laughed until I cried and he laughed too!

"I can't do arithmetic today," one boy said to me during a math lesson after falling during the morning break and injuring his thumb. When I asked why he said this because when I do 9 it hurts. (He used his fingers to join in !!!) I asked him to do a "four" with his other hand!

This year I've worked with BSI [a special education program?] And will be working with myself to get students out of class. Many children raised their hands and asked me to go with them. One day, towards the end of the year, your class teacher said, "What, nobody wants to be here with me? Smith, I like you better." Mrs." Then the little girl said, "Okay, no more!" I could not stop laughing!

This year there are 10 girls and 5 boys in my second grade. All girls are totally and totally obsessed with horses! I found this note on the floor the day after school. Apparently someone was dreaming and imagining the owners of horse farms. 00 - Brush the horses. I had to show other teachers. It was well thought out, but maybe a little ambitious! Did I mention that we did a math lesson back then?

In a year in second grade orbit, we read a story about a little girl who flew around the world and saw many different things, including the Statue of Liberty. When the students were asked to share something they had seen during their travels, a young boy exclaimed, "Spatula delivery!" so pretty!

[I love it!] Last year's class was probably the cutest group of kids I have ever worked with. One day a holiday came and some of my children were away from work. I reminded her that there were a few things we had to do before we left, and to emphasize it, I grabbed my plan book and pointed to the agenda for the day. A little boy's eyes widened in surprise and he blurted out, you mean you write these things ?! "

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