Here are some famous reasons to joining teaching as profession. - Importance Of Teachers


Thursday, August 12, 2021

Here are some famous reasons to joining teaching as profession.

teaching is the best / good profession

here are some famous reasons to joining teaching as profession.

 Many teachers will tell you that despite the pressure, tests, and paperwork, the class is still the best in the world. Those who don't teach often joke that teachers get three months off in the summer. However, the teachers know that the reasons for this statement go much deeper.

If you look at that "ah-ha" moment.

For many teachers it is very exciting to watch a child grasp a new concept. Most teachers understand that there is a creative struggle that comes with learning new material. Some students understand the idea and continue using this skill. It can take a long time for others to figure out how to deal with the situation. However, when that student first finds a way to solve a problem or complete a science experiment, their eyes light up and their smile widen, the teacher is radiating from within. It is the "ah ha" moment that ends the learner's struggle and the teacher takes pride in learning a new skill.

Something new happens every day.

Because children are so inquisitive and learn at different speeds, it is impossible to predict what each day will bring. Some days students are eager to study and other days they need to chat about a recent trip, new pets, or last night's game. Many teachers love this uncertainty and enjoy the challenge of not knowing what the day will bring.

It's different every year.

Likewise, every year can be different for a teacher. The teachers receive a new program booklet every year. Overall, some classes are more experiential and can help master the skill quickly. Some people may have been depressed in the past year and need more advice and support before they can start studying. Sometimes a teacher may choose to loop with a group of students and change the grade level with that group. Some may choose to teach a different subject or area of ​​content. No matter what, teachers have the option to change every year and often enjoy the flexibility and variety of their jobs.

Make a positive impact on the youth.

Many teachers understand and like the fact that they have the opportunity to make a positive impact on students' lives. For some students, school can be the best seven hours of the day. It's a place to feel safe, have a hot meal, and study. Also, teachers can be a good forum for students with personal problems. They can offer advice or seek community support for a family problem. Teachers help students understand that mistakes should be learned and set their own goals for the future.

Think in other directions.

For many adults, their thoughts are fully formed and it is difficult to see the other side of a problem. Teachers have the opportunity to see how students often come to situations from different perspectives. You may find a new way to solve a problem or get the help of a friend in a way the teacher may not have considered. When teachers open their classroom to discuss topics, it is often the teacher who learns the new style.

Watching children grow.

Whether it is about advancing the student physically, emotionally, or academically, the teacher has a sense of accomplishment. Most parents only need to do this once per child, but teachers can see this change every year. It can also be just as interesting to watch a budding reader grow into a fluent reading child with an understanding of the story. Each year teachers have the opportunity to observe these changes in a classroom full of students and watch them change grades throughout the school.

Professional development

Since teaching is not a stable career, there are always opportunities for professional development. Changes to the curriculum or new strategies can make learning easier. Teachers have the opportunity to participate in this change and see how it is affecting student development. In addition, teachers are given the opportunity to learn a new profession and advance in their field if it suits their interests. Some teachers may develop a passion for helping students read and choose to become a reading coach. Some may prefer to see English learners thrive in both language and content quality so they can get certified in this area. Others can appreciate his love of work to be promoted to administrator. Education is a profession that offers many opportunities for professional growth and advancement.

Children talk for fun.

Many careers work in disgusting offices around the world with adults talking boring topics. Education is far from this order. Students can come up with interesting things, jokes, and ideas that will make studying a real pleasure. Having a student say something or actually summarize a story to their mother over dinner can keep the teacher laughing throughout the day. This is a good reason for teachers to love their job because they love their students and their attitudes.

Build lasting relationships.

Whether for a semester or for the entire academic year: teachers have the opportunity to build relationships with their students. Students will remember when a teacher becomes an active listener and helps students in all aspects of their lives. Years later, when you shop in the store and an older kid calls you by your name and stops you to stop their progress, that's great. When a teacher is given the opportunity to teach or work with an alumnus who is now in the teaching profession, it will be a pleasure to know that you have been part of that success story.

When all of these wonderful reasons are combined it is easy to see why education is the best thing in the world.

10 reasons to choose teaching as a profession

It is not surprising that many people want to become teachers. Teachers are an inspiration to all of us in our childhood. When you are sad they shrug their shoulders, when you are angry they argue and they know everything, right? Otherwise, why should one choose teaching as a profession?

1. Influence the next generation.

If you choose teaching as your profession, you will get job satisfaction like no other! If you ask most teachers why they chose to teach, they will mention the potential to really change students' lives. When you work as a teacher, you can see the results in your students and are guaranteed to be sent home with a smile on your face and a sense of pride. Plus, your students will love you and feel that love when you walk into your classroom.

2. No day is like the other.

When we say this, we really mean it - no two days are the same! If you are afraid of the monotony of office work and you repeat the same task 9-5 times a day, then teaching could be very challenging for you. If you're a teacher, each day presents a different set of challenges and obstacles and you will be excited about getting back to your classroom.

3. You get a lifelong job.

Unlike some jobs that technology can replace, education is definitely not possible so you can get a job for life and it will be a very safe job!  So if you choose to teach as your profession, you are in safe hands as you will be in demand all over the world for the rest of your life.

4. Work all over the world.

If you are a good teacher you can work anywhere in the world. We're talking about the beautiful villages of Italy, the exotic islands of Thailand or the lively cities of China - yes please! Whether it's an English class or a subject, you can work and discover at the same time - a winner!

6. Meet lots of new people.

The training gives you the opportunity to work in a very friendly environment. Not only will you be part of a team that will approach your peers, but you will also interact with students and parents on a daily basis. Additionally, as a teacher, you have the opportunity to be a valuable part of your local community as many schools host events throughout the year. It's great if you've moved to another country to teach as you have many opportunities to meet new people.

7. The earning potential is very high.

Whether you are studying in your home country, abroad or online, your earning potential can be very high. We're talking up to 6,500 per month, that's 78.78,000 per year - sign up! In addition, many apprenticeships abroad offer additional services such as accommodation, flights, health insurance and paid visas.

8. You can work from home.

Don't like teaching in class? In today's digital world, there are so many ways to teach online, from English and math to arts and crafts, there are a multitude of different subjects that you can teach online. Plus it's extremely flexible, you can set your own schedule and really be your own boss!

9. Teach as you learn

If you really want to learn, then education is for you! The teachers not only share their existing knowledge and knowledge, but also deepen themselves in the subjects and learn new things on the side. Whether you are attending a TEFL course or being thrown in the deep end in one of your classes, every day will literally become a school day for you and your knowledge will continue to grow.

10. Career development

If you dream of a great career then education is for you! Not only a good education, but also his vigilance and commitment are most needed. From the department head to the school principal, there are ways to get as high as you want.

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